Statement from Sonia Ossorio, President of the National Organization for Women-New York on Bill Cosby

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Today, a jury in Norristown, PA made a decision that will reverberate for survivors of sexual assault across the country. In the first high profile criminal trial following the breakout of the #MeToo movement, we have watched a courageous survivor, Andrea Constand, finally win justice.

The case was emblematic of the uphill battle that far too many rape survivors seeking justice face, and it underscored the clear need for heightened public awareness and understanding about sexual violence, clearer laws, and better-trained law enforcement to address sexual assault of incapacitated victims, known more commonly as drug rape. 

“In the first high profile criminal trial following the breakout of #MeToo, Cosby’s conviction will reverberate for women across the country and give survivors hope that justice can prevail,” said Sonia Ossorio, President of the National Organization for Women – New York

“We must strive to never let a case like Cosby’s happen again, where a predator can get away with raping dozens of women with impunity. This should ignite every state across the country to review their laws on how they deal with sexual assault, especially drug rape, and New York is ready to take this on,” said Sonia Ossorio, President of the National Organization for Women – New York

“To all those who helped to cover Cosby’s tracks, and to anyone who has been complicit in a similar scenario, this verdict is a monumental moment in the transformation of our culture that is underway, creating a new awareness that predators – no matter who they are, from the Catholic Church to Wall Street to Hollywood – can no longer be protected at the expense of victims,” said Sonia Ossorio, NOW-NY.

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