Behold I will create new heavens, and a new earth. -- Isaiah 65:17
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SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Into the dark pond of looming environmental challenges, singer-songwriter Kate Magdalena offers her latest song “New Earth.” Like the calm at the center of a storm, the song and its artwork by California visionary painter Suzanne De Veuve, present an earth healed and whole, a living planet in a universe created by a loving intelligence. Beyond the human ravages upon nature, the earth continues to pour its abundance and nurture upon humankind, and if given the chance, can heal.

Beyond the human manipulation of the earth’s natural systems, beyond the threat of nuclear disaster, beyond the destruction of the earth’s forests and oceans, Kate puts forward the picture of the earth healed. If the collective imagination has power, as Carl Jung expressed, then holding a picture of the earth healed and whole may serve as a constructive vision, offering creative possibilities that the “realistic” view does not.  The song also echoes the restitution of the earth referred to in the Bible, “Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things will not be remembered or come to mind,” Isaiah 65:17

“New Earth” is the most recent release from Kate’s upcoming album “A Larger Dance.”  The recordings have been produced by GRAMMY-nominated producer Billy Smiley (Johnny Cash, Whiteheart, Clay Aiken, and the Newsboys) and feature some of Nashville’s finest musicians with Fred Eltringham (The Wallflowers and Sheryl Crow), Byron House (Robert Plant and the Band of Joy), Blair Masters (Garth Brooks) and Brennan Smiley (The Technicolors).

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