Exclusive Access to Olivia Frances’ New Single ‘Begin With Us’ for her SingleSteps Project

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Hear Olivia Frances’ first single “Begin With Us” which is the first of six singles to be released in her #SingleSteps Project. It tells the story of an encounter Olivia had with a stranger while waiting to meet a friend for coffee. A chance meeting at a parking pay station yielded interesting conversation with “a cute guy” and, better still, a new song. Ms. Frances hopes to bring the world together by telling stories with her music, and “Begin With Us” is a poppy little story song that people of all ages can relate to. And connecting to each other is something we all long to do as we go through our lives a single step at a time.

It’s funny because the moment I got home that night, I sat down on my couch and wrote this song out on my iPhone. I wrote the melody and lyrics simultaneously. I usually write my songs at different speeds, but this one kind of spilled out of me – Olivia Frances

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