Brand Spotlight: REUSE Jeans

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More than 56 pounds of clothing and shoes are discarded by the average American each year. With eco-fashion on the rise, many designers are going “green” and focusing more on eco-friendly fabrics. Eco-conscious designers are moving towards innovative clothing designs tailored for fashionistas who want to help save the environment. Recycled denim and recycled cotton clothing are being worn by men and women of all ages and lifestyles, including celebrities and female guitarists – such as accomplished eco-friendly rocker Bonnie Raitt.

Other female guitarists that love recycled denim are Sharon Aguilar and VK Lynne.


Sharon is pictured wearing REUSE denim shorts.







VK Lynne is pictured wearing a vest by REUSE.



How is Clothing Recycled?

Eco-friendly clothing can be recycled in a number of ways:

  • Resale and thrift shops will usually take these items if they are in good condition. They are then resold to low-income families who need them.
  • Charities receive distribution for clothing that is not in good enough condition to be resold in resale and thrift shops.
  • Clothing that does not “qualify” for either of the above mentioned are sent to textile recyclers and transformed into new clothing.

Importance of Recycling Clothing

As global warming becomes more relevant and landfills become overfilled with waste, recycling has become a top priority. This presents a real problem to the environment as synthetic fibers do not decompose in these landfills. Natural fibers such as cotton produce methane, contributing to global warming.

If each person purchased one recycled garment each year, an average of 371 million gallons of water would be saved and 480 tons of chemicals dyes eliminated. You can play your part by recycling clothing that you are never going to wear or plan to discard. Give these articles of clothing a chance at a new life.

Recycled Denim Manufacturers

REUSE Jeans is a manufacturer of eco-friendly clothing, specifically recycled denim jeans, skirts, jackets, shorts, tops, and pants. All of REUSE jeans are tailored with modern fashion in mind and handcrafted with incredible detail and significant final touches. REUSE jeans are constructed from 80 percent recycled fabrics.

Green clothing manufacturers, such as REUSE, create eco-friendly clothing not just for the environment, but to make a splash in the fashion industry. REUSE products are highly chic and incorporate 1.5 percent spandex and 18.5 percent fresh cotton for comfort, strength, and durability.

Eco-friendly clothing has seen measurable growth in recent years. Recycled denim and recycled cotton clothing are making a real difference in both the environment and fashion industry. Recycling and choosing to wear recycled clothing creates a demand for more eco-friendly goods, which reduces waste and boosts the global economy.

Photo Credits:  REUSE Jeans; Sharon Aguilar photo by John Taylor

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