Carrying the Torch of Black Girl Magic | Marie-Jude Salomon

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Guitar Girl Magazine’s Diversity Editor, Gabriella “Guitar Gabby” Logan, sat down with some of her industry sisters to celebrate the cultural influence of Black history in music. This series highlights the amazing womxn that continue carrying the torch while using their platforms and music to spread positivity in a changing world.

What’s your name and pronouns, where are you from, and what instrument do you play?

My name is Marie-Jude Salomon (she/her), born and raised in Montreal, Canada, and I play a few instruments but mainly the guitar.

How long have you been playing, and when did you know you wanted to be a musician?

I don’t think there was a time when I didn’t want to be a musician. I have always been deeply curious about music and instruments. As a child, I begged my mother for piano lessons, but she didn’t budge, lol. She eventually bought me my own keyboard, but because I didn’t have any guidance or instruction, I ended up quitting. Guitar came a bit later on in life, like my late teens into my early twenties. This is when I really took heavy interest in learning and covering songs by some of my favorite artists. After a few false starts, I finally got into playing guitar and bass, and two years later, here I am!

What is the best part about being a musician?

I’d say the zone I enter when it’s just me and my guitar. Whether it’s drills or learning a new song, I enter into a determined space where I am working to get my sound, song, or exercise I am doing right. I also love playing with other people! 

What do you think of when you hear “Black History Month”?

Remembering who we were and honoring who we are now. 

Is there a specific Black creative that inspires you? Why?

Janelle Monae is such an inspiration to me. She has a career I’d love to have one day in my future. What makes her such an inspiration to me is her quirkiness, style (in music and clothing), and how much fun she has with making music. I was already in my twenties when I first paid attention to her; she appealed to the Black weirdo that I am and made me realize it wasn’t too late to become who I wanted to be. 

Why do you think it is important to pay homage to the Black creatives that came before us? Why do you think the world needs to learn about our Black History?

Because the world isn’t in the habit of giving us our fair due and it’s easy to overlook our contributions. So many who came before us were made to accept less than what they were owed, and I think it’s important that these next generations use their power to give their predecessors a voice. Also, the world as it is needs a lot of healing, and in order to do so, the truth must be told, which means that we must be vocal about our struggles and hold nothing back for people’s comfort. 

What is your current studio and (when we get back to live shows) live performance set up? Is it any different? (Feel free to address one or both of your rig setups).

Right now, it’s just me and my guitar! I do know that I’d like to get myself an iRig this year, as I’d like to explore sounds and styles without breaking the bank.

What does it mean to be a Black womxn to you?

It means being a rebel, whether we like it or not! 

What’s one piece of advice you would give to your eight-year-old self looking up to the adult version of you?

You are such a weirdo. A wonderful, curious, bright weirdo. Lean into that thing that makes you unique, and once you do, no one will mess with you. You won’t let them. And also, never stop dreaming. 

Follow Marie on IG @sheismariejude

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