Winter NAMM 2020: Jamstik Studio MIDI Guitar

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I met Jamstik Product Specialist Meredith Cannon on the first day of NAMM. The Jamstik team was demonstrating their new Studio MIDI Guitar, and it was apparent that some very exciting things were happening with this headless, 24-fret digital/analog, Strat-like bodied instrument.  I was intrigued not only by the innovation, but by the friendliness and excitement of the creators, so I sought them out the next day.

When I swung by the Jamstik booth, I found Meredith wearing headphones, wired into a DAW workstation, just jamming out in pure joy on the Studio MIDI. Meredith was excited that she had discovered a new way to play, by going out both MIDI and analog simultaneously, creating a killer hybrid sound. When I saw this type of enthusiasm and creativity happening right there in the middle of the NAMM floor, I knew that I had found an interesting product and a dedicated team.

I interviewed Meredith and Product Specialist/Content Creator Dex Barstad to get the lowdown on what was happening with the Jamstik Studio. I learned a few things:

  1. The Jamstik Studio is a REAL guitar, with a wood body, humbucker pickups, and excellent action across the fretboard.
  2. Just about any digital sound can be played through the Jamstik Studio – strings, horns, analog synth – without any unwanted delay or dropped notes.
  3. The Jamstik Studio is compatible with multiple DAWs.
  4. The Studio is currently available in Blue and Black. (I’m pushing them to come up with catchy names for the finishes; more on that later.)
  5. If you want to play as well as Dex, you still have to take lessons and practice; that is the one thing that the Studio cannot do for you.

Check out this video, wherein Meredith and Dex walk me through the paces of the Jamstik Studio. I even got to play a little, which was pretty great.

For more info about Jamstik, visit their homepage at

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