Book Review: In The Spotlight: Over 100 Voices in Music

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In The Spotlight: Over 100 Voices in Music
By Dani Felt & Emily Correa

Authors and business partners Dani Felt & Emily Correa have put together a powerful resource for musicians which I highly recommend – In The Spotlight: Over 100 Voices in Music. Packed full of informative and motivational interviews, tips, inspirational quotes, and worksheets, this book will become a valuable tool in helping aspiring musicians find their way through the exciting, while extremely challenging, music industry to become the artist they’ve always dreamed they could be.

Felt and Correa both have a passion for the music industry and in 2010, they merged their creative talents and co-founded their New York creative development firm Creative Spotlights which is dedicated to coaching, inspiring, and promoting individuals interested in pursuing a career in the arts and entertainment industry.


Through their vast network and numerous interviews of individuals involved in the music industry, they joined forces to create this book to help musicians stay inspired on their musical journey.

The chapters are carefully crafted into several sections with an introductory opening by Dani Felt, a “Keys to Success” section offering a few tips and numerous quotes from individuals, “The Coach’s Perspective” by Emily Correa who is a certified life/business coach complete with a worksheet to start you thinking about where you are and what you want to accomplish, followed up with a Featured Interview of a notable musician, or a producer, instructor, lawyer, or business owner. And, last but not least, an affirmation which I suggest you keep handy and read every morning to start your day on a positive note.

With chapters like “Inspiration,” “Realities of the Music Industry,” “Creative Belief,” Power Relationships,” and “Music in Five Years,” to name a few, this book covers a great deal of valuable information and insight. I would like to point out Chapter 9 titled “Legacy, Leaving Your Art Behind,” where you will learn from some of the music industry’s “movers and shakers,” or in what they call the “Industry Inner Circle Roundtable,” what impact they hope their contribution to the industry will have in the future, and more.

I found this book to be well-written and will serve as a valuable resource to anyone interested in gaining more insight in the arts and entertainment industry. Keep it handy, refer to it often — consider it your own private coach for just $19.95.

About the Authors (from the book):

Dani Felt:  CEO of Creative Spotlights LLC since 2010.  B.A. in Marketing Communications.  Songwriter/Singer, focus: folk/pop music. Her goal was to create a company to serve as a platform to help guide and inspire music artists. Working on a master project with this book with partner Emily, she was able to do just that, while getting the best pieces of advice from over 200 interviews she had featured on her site. Dani shares her story of how Creative Spotlights started, her own experiences from being a singer/songwriter as well as valuable insights on using marketing in this digital age. In 2015, Creative Spotlights is now a creative development firm passionate about supporting all artists with promotion, publicity and career development.

Emily Correa:  Co-Founder/Creative Director of Creative Spotlights and CEO of Vida Linda Coaching, which provides strategic life and business coaching for those in arts + entertainment.  Certified through the International Coaching Federation, she received over 350 hours of training as a 2012 graduate of Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching.  B.A. in Psychology/Sociology, minor in Business Development.  M.S. in Organizational Learning and Development.  Spent 10 years collecting life lessons mixed with business experience.  Emily hopes to inspire all artists using her “AVA” Method of “Awareness, Vision and Action” so those who read this will be able to tap into their own creative gives powerfully.

  • Paperback: 272 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (July 19, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1512270482
  • ISBN-13: 978-1512270488

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